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Lake Okeechobee


Project Overview

The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC), partnering with the City of Clewiston in Hendry County, was awarded funds from the Florida Boating Improvement Program to create a development master plan for a parcel of lakefront property leased to the City by the South Florida Water Management District.  The City of Clewiston desires to develop its waterfront property on Lake Okeechobee to enhance boating access, encourage water related economic development and provide a safe harbor for boats during storm events. The first step in this development is to create a Master Plan that includes a market analysis and implementation strategy. This plan will delineate what uses are needed, what uses can be supported on this site and a detailed layout of uses on the subject property. The Master Plan will also outline challenges and opportunities. The Master Plan will be adopted by the Clewiston City Council so that future funding can be secured for implementation.

The following will be included in the process of developing the Master Plan:

✓ Site analysis
✓ Market Analysis
✓ Draft drawings including various alternatives
✓ Public engagement
✓ Detailed Drawings of preferred alternative
✓ Implementation strategy
✓ Funding options

The Project Purpose is to Enhance...

Safe Boating Access

Safe Boating Access

Aerial Boat Shot



Economic Development

Project Deliverables


  2. Public Engagement #1


  4. Conceptual Master Plan Alternatives

  5. Public Engagement #2

  6. Refined Preferred Master Plan Alternative

  7. Public Engagement #3

  8. Implementation Strategy

  9. Funding Options

  10. FINAL MASTER PLAN - Public Engagement

Project Timeline

©2021 SWFRPC

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